Simple Installation for Windows with Apache

A step by step guide to installing ApTest Manager on a Windows machine with Apache.

  1. Download and install the latest version of Apache 2.2. When installing, use a custom installation and put Apache in c:/Apache22 - this will ease configuration of mod_perl later.
  2. Download and install the latest version of Strawberry Perl 5.12 32 bit. Use the default settings for the installation.
  3. Download the zip file for the latest version of ApTest Manager and your ApTest Manager LICENSE file. You will need your ApTest Manager licensee username and password to do this.
  4. Unpack the zip file into c:\atm.
  5. Copy the LICENSE.dat file into c:\atm\data
  6. Open a command shell, and change directory to c:\atm
  7. Type the command perl to install mod_perl.
  8. Once mod_perl and its libraries are installed, do the following to configure Apache:
    1. Edit your Apache Configuration Start->Programs->Apache HTTP Server->Configure Apache Server->Edit the Apache httpd.conf Configuration File, or conf/httpd.conf in your Apache installation directory).
    2. Find the section "Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support", which should have a set of LoadModule directives in it
    3. Uncomment the line that enables mod_expires - this will improve performance.
    4. At the end of the LoadModule directives, add the line

      LoadModule perl_module modules/

    5. Find the section that enables Server-pool management:
      # Server-pool management (MPM specific)
      #Include conf/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
      Uncomment the Include directive so the httpd-mpm configuration is included. Note: this file has server tuning parameters in it. You may want to examine these to ensure they are optimal for the memory and processor your server has available.
    6. Test your changes Start->Programs->Apache HTTP Server->Configure Apache Server->Test Configuration.
  9. Now that Apache is set up with mod_perl, type the command perl
  10. Answer 'Y' when asked if you want the installer to install the missing modules for you. The script will then download whatever components are not already on your system and install them. There may be some questions asked during this process. The default answer is always correct.
  11. The system will ask "How will this copy of ATM be connected to your web server?" Answer '3' for mod_perl2 mode.
  12. It will ask the name of the virtual directory. The default answer '/atm' is correct.
  13. It will ask what is the file system path to ATM. The default answer 'c:/atm' is correct.
  14. It will ask for a password for the administrator account. The default pasword is 'admin'.
  15. It will ask if you want passwords encrypted. The default answer is 'n'.
  16. At this point, ApTest Manager is installed and ready to use. However, we still need to tell Apache how to access it. Follow these steps:
    1. Edit your Apache Configuration Start->Programs->Apache HTTP Server->Configure Apache Server->Edit the Apache httpd.conf Configuration File, or conf/httpd.conf in your Apache installation directory).
    2. Toward the bottom of the file add:
      <Directory C:/atm>
          AllowOverride All
          Order deny,allow
          Allow from all
      PerlRequire C:/atm/
      Alias "/atm" "C:/atm"
    3. Test your changes Start->Programs->Apache HTTP Server->Configure Apache Server->Test Configuration.
    4. Restart Apache to enable ApTest Manager
  17. Point your browser on the server to http://localhost/atm/ - this will examine your server and ensure that everything is set up correctly. If you have followed the instructions about, it should be perfect. If there are any warnings, you will need to resolve them before continuing.
  18. If reports that everything is fine, go to http://localhost/atm and log in as admin using the password you specified above. Once logged in you can create regular user accounts. Don't forget to go into the "Manage System Configuration" page and open the system to non-administrative users. It is the first option on that page.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact support or ask your question in the forums at Good luck!