Maximize Reliability
Optimize Performance
Accelerate Time to Market

ApTest's load testing solutions provide all this, and more. We offer stress and performance testing packages combining Opensource load test tools with ApTest's experienced load test consultancy. Be confident you are deploying high quality, reliable applications. Let us help you ensure the scalability and performance of your applications without prohibitive tool licensing costs.


The high cost of commercial tools for performance testing has motivated the emergence of open-source tools for this purpose. These tools are reliable, fully featured, and applicable to most load testing projects. The tools simulate thousands of users interacting with Web, application and database servers; create realistic models simulating different business environments; and provide a repository of information to easily analyze and report results throughout application development.

Open source tools are, of course, available at no charge which presents a huge cost savings versus purchasing commercial alternatives. However these tools do present a steeper learning curve, which is where ApTest consultancy services can help by providing a turn-key application of these tools to meet your needs.


Getting a load test in place is usually a fairly quick process, generally taking 4-6 weeks from start to a complete load test suite and performance characterization. However you need to get the right skills and experience with performance testing and use of performance test tools to make the project a success. There are three major phases to a new load test project:

Strategy and Planning Defining your performance objectives and how they will be measured and tested Industry/user expectations
Software architectures
Performance test design
Test Development Developing test scripts which simulate your users' behavior Software architectures
Software development
Performance testing
Test Execution Executing your test scripts to simulate
user load, interpreting you results
and tuning your implementation
Performance test tools
System administration
Performance tuning


Depending on your level of available resource you can take advantage of assistance from ApTest at any phase of your load testing project. Experienced ApTest load testing consultants will work with your staff on making your project a smashing success.


Assistance with strategy and planning of your load test:

ApTest will provide you information on industry norms and sample test plans and, working with your staff, will develop a strategy and plan for your specific needs. You'll need to provide a staff member who understands your architecture to liaison with us during the project. At the completion of the project, objectives for your load test and a plan for implementing them will have been defined. Your application need not be working during this activity, but it helps.


The strategy and planning process defined for Load Test Gold, plus development of the scripts needed to implement it.

ApTest will develop test scripts to simulate the user behavior defined in your test plan, test them, document them for use in subsequent load tests, and transfer them to your staff. You'll need to provide a staff member who understands your architecture to liaison with us during the project. At the completion of the project your staff will be ready to execute a load test on your application. Your application needs to be complete and operational during this process and be fairly reliable.


The strategy, planning, and test development process defined for Load Test Platinum, plus execution of your load test:

ApTest will deploy performance test tools at your site, execute your test scripts, and work with your staff to iteratively tune your application to handle this load with high performance and reliability. You'll need to provide a performance test bed and a staff member who understands administering it to work with us on the project. At the completion of the project you'll have a thorough understanding of your application's performance under varied load conditions and how it can be tuned to your performance goals. In many cases these goals will be achieved with the tuning done during the testing project itself. As well your staff will familiar with the tools and test scripts used in the project and able to perform addition performance testing in the future. Your application needs to be complete, operational, and reliable during this process.


Pricing depends on the testing package you select. Please contact us for advice on selection and pricing for a solution that will address your requirements.