ReqDB - requirements database class
Shane P. McCarron <>
Copyright 2002-2011 Applied Testing and Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
use ReqDB; Open the cache Database for writing my $db = new ReqDB(1); get a handle to the whole requirements database $data = $db->req(); get a handle to a specific requirement's data $data = $db->req($reqID); release the database $db-E<gt>release();
The ReqDB object is a generic multi-level data structure storage facility. The data stored in this facility is keyed by the pathname associated with each requirement.
$rdb = new ReqDB(suite, [read/write [, timeout[, path]]]);
Creates a new requirements database object, optionally opening a non-default target file and optionally making it writeable.
boolean set to True if the database needs to be writeable or False if it can be readOnly.
the number of seconds to wait for a lock. Defaults to 60 seconds.
a path to an alternate database (the default is implementation defined).
returns a reference to the requirements database object.
$id = $rdb->displayID( name, noPath, asText ) ; ($id, $noPathId) = $rdb->displayID( name, undef, asText ) ;
name is the name of a requirement.
noPath is an optional boolean flag that indicates whether to include the path in the ID. It defaults to false. In an array context, this flag is ignored since it returns both forms.
asText is an optional boolean flag that indicates whether the content should be emitted as test only, or if it is intended for markup use. It defaults to false (markup use).
Returns the displayID, including the outline number if appropriate. In an array context, returns (id, noPathId).
$id = $rdb->displayIDByUUID( uuid, noPath, asText ) ;
noPath is an optional boolean flag that indicates whether to include the path in the ID. It defaults to false.
asText is an optional boolean flag that indicates whether the content should be emitted as test only, or if it is intended for markup use. It defaults to false (markup use).
Returns the displayID, including the outline number if appropriate.
$fref = $rdb->field( fname ) ;
fname is the name of a requirements field.
Returns a reference to the field definition, or undef if the field does not exist. This is a convenience function - short cut to rfields->field.
$path = $rdb->filesPath( [ $directory ] ) ;
directory is an optional folder within the requirements tree.
Returns the full filesystem path to directory within the tree.
$suffix = $rdb->fileSuffix() ;
Returns '.req".
$ref = $rdb->idField() ;
Returns a reference to a field object of type ID.
Removes all requirements from the database. Must have a write lock before you can do this.
returns true if it succeeded, false if it did not.
$newName = $rdb->makeName($folder, $pattern, $asFolder);
folder is a folder in which the requirement will be created. Note that this string should contain the '.dir' suffixes, and should be relative to the suite. As with all directory names, it should NOT end in a slash.
pattern is a string on which the name will be based.
asFolder is a flag that indicates whether to create the name as a folder instead of a test case.
Returns a new name that is unique in the folder, and is based upon pattern. If there was an error, returns undef.
returns the number of requirements in the database.
$pfx = $rdb->outlinePrefix( [ prefix ] ) ;
If prefix is supplied, sets the outlinePrefix for this test suite to that value.
Returns the previous prefix value .
returns a path to the cache file.
$rdb->print(); $rdb->print(UUID);
returns the string-ified version of the entire database, or just the contents of the requirement UUID.
$res = $rdb->deleted(name) ;
Returns true if the file is in $deletedDir, and false if it is not.
$res = $rdb->recycled(name) ;
Returns true if the file is in the recycle bin, and false if it is not.
$rdb->release() ;
returns the path saved into, or undef if the save failed.
@list = $rdb->reqList( [includeRecycled [, includeDeleted ] ] ) ;
includeRecycled is a boolean. If true, items in the recycle bin are included as well. Defaults to false.
returns a list of defined requirements
$rdb->byName(); $rdb->byName(name); $rdb->byName(name, ref);
With no parameter, retrieves a pointer to the raw requirements database hash.
With a name parameter, retrieves the data for a specific requirement.
With an name and a ref, sets the parameters for a requirement to ref.
returns the pointer to the entire hash, or to the data for a specific requirement.
$reqH = $reqDB->byUUID(uuid [, data] )
uuid is a uuid for a requirement.
data is an optional reference to updated data for the requirement. If provided, the requirement will be updated with the data.
Returns a handle to the requirements data in the database, or undef if the requirement does not exist.
Returns the current pathname for a requirement that matches the UUID. Returns undef if there is no such requirement. If called with no UUID parameter, returns a reference to the entire hash table.
Returns the UUID associated with a requirement named name. If no such requirement is in the database, returns undef.
hashRef = $rdb->testsByUUID( uuid [, ref] ) ;
uuid is a uuid of a requirement.
ref is an optional reference to a list of tests.
Returns a reference to a hash of test uuids that purport to address requirement UUID.
deletes a requirement if it is defined. Removes it from the UUID hash and from the testHash.
$suiteDb = $rdb->suiteDB();
Returns the handle to a SuiteDB object. If one is not already associated, acquires one in write mode.
@list = $reqDB->unnumbered() ;
Updates the associated SuiteDB, if there is one, to ensure the last edit time is correct.
Returns undef if there is no SuiteDB associated with this session, or 1 when it succeeds.
$rdb->Lock() ;
Ensures the caches and this database are locked.
$tdb->Unlock() ;
Ensures the caches and this database are unlocked.
$rdb->SQL_deleteRequirement(UUID) ;
Returns nothing.
@cols = $testDB->SQL_tableDef( tname ) ;
tname is the name of a SQL table
Returns a list item per column, formatted for use in a CREATE statement.
@tfields = $rdb->SQL_tableFields( tableName ) ;
tableName is the name of the SQL field. We can derive the ATM field from this easily.
Returns a list of column names for the table.
my @tlist = $rdb->SQL_tlist();
Returns a list of all tables this object will operate upon.
my $5name = $rdb->SQL_tname;
Returns the name of the table for this object.
$rdb->SQL_updateRequirement(UUID, hash) ;
UUID is the ID of the requirement to update.
hash is the data to populate the record with.
Returns nothing.
SQL_insertMulti(tdata, fname [, tname, trow, values] ) ;
tdata is a reference to the test case data hash.
fname is the name of the field to populate.
tname is an optional ATM table name that this field is within.
trow is an optional table row number for this field in an optional ATM table.
values are the values set in that row of the table for this field.
Returns nothing.
SQL_insertTabledata(tdata, tableName )
tdata is a reference to the test case data hash.
tableName is the name of the table to populate.
Returns nothing.
$rdb->SQL_createIndices( );
Creates all of the requirements indices.
Returns nothing.
$rdb->SQL_createTable( );
The primary table associated with requirements in a test suite will only have a single record per test case. This will contain all fields that are NOT multi-select lists and NOT in a table. Each table referenced in an ATM test suite will have its own SQL table. Each multi-select list will also have its own SQL table.
Returns nothing.
$sqltype = $rdb->SQL_type(fref)
fref is a reference to a req fields field definition.
This is just a thin veneer over the base ApTest::DBI type method, which will interrogate the underlying database and pick the best type. This function ascertains the base ATM type and passes that to the parent method, since Schema fields use a combination of type and style to define the actual "type".
Returns the most likely SQL type to use for the field.
$val = $rdb->SQL_value(fref, value) ;
fref is a reference to a SchemaField object.
value is the value to use.
Returns a suitable quoted value.
Copyright © 2000-2013 Applied Testing and Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.