rpc.mpl - an RPC interface for the ApTest Manager test execution area

SYNOPSIS \ suite=suiteName&command=commandName...


rpc.mpl provides a simple Remote Procedure Call interface to allow basic run operations to be performed over the internet by external tools.


Using your web browser, go to the Manage ApTest Manager screen, and click on Manage System Configuration. Enter a value for "What is the authentication token for users of the RPC interface?". You will not be able to use the RPC interface until a token is set.



RPC calls can be made using GET or POST requests. POST is suggested if you wish to keep the RPC authentication token out of the server's access logs. POST is required for the attachFile command because the form must be 'multipart/form-data' encoded.

Login and authentication

External tools pass in an authentication token to verify that they can access the RPC interface. There is a single token for all tools. The tool also passes a username. Assuming the tool authenticated correctly, it performs its actions as the specified user. The user will need to have at least "run" access to the suite being operated on.

Return codes

The server will return a response of type text/plain. The first line will be a numeric return code (currently 0 for success or 1 for an error) followed by zero or more message lines. In the event of an error, the message will detail the error.

Available commands


Attach a file to the note associated with a test case in a test session.

Example: Attach a file to the test case with UUID AC2CD7D2-955D-11D8-A214-90E5C9F5B464:

rpc.mpl?rpctoken=token&username=lake&suite=Example&command=attachFile& \ sess=00001&uuid=AC2CD7D2-955D-11D8-A214-90E5C9F5B464&fileName=log.txt


Create a set group.

Example: Create set group called "Group_C" within an existing set group called "Group_A/Group_B":

rpc.mpl?rpctoken=token&username=lake&suite=Example&command=createGroup& \ name=Group_C&setGroup=Group_A/Group_B


Create a test set, optionally setting test case and requirement selectors, and default schedules and session variable settings.

The message line of the return value will be the number of tests selected in the new set.

Example: Create a set called "My_Set" in set group "Group_A/Group_B" containing high priority test cases:

rpc.mpl?rpctoken=token&username=lake&suite=Example&command=createSet& \ set=My_Set&setGroup=Group_A/Group_B&SCHEMA_priority=high

Note that when selecting tests by individual test case, you must set the 'testPickedBy' parameter to 'test'. If selecting test cases by folder, set the 'testPickedBy' parameter to 'folder'.

Similarly, if you are selecting test cases by related requirements and you want to reference individual requirements, you must set the 'reqPickedBy' parameter to 'requirement'. If selecting test cases by related requirements and referencing requirements by folder, set the 'reqPickedBy' parameter to 'folder'.


Create a test session. Optionally set schedules and session variables.

The message line of the return value will be the session number of the new session.

Example: Create a session from Group_A/Group_B/My_Set, scheduled to start on 1 February 2009, for Mac OS 9:

rpc.mpl?rpctoken=token&username=lake&suite=Example&command=createSession& \ set=Group_A/Group_B/My_Set&startdateplanned=1233446400&VAR_os=Mac_OS_9


Fetch the UUID associated with a requirement.

The message line of the return value will be the UUID for the named requiement, or empty of the requirement was not found.

Example: Get the UUID for a requirement using outline numbering with number '1.0.1'

rpc.mpl?rpctoken=token&username=lake&suite=Example&command=getReqUUID& \ name=1.0.1


Retrieves as many details as possible regarding a specified session. The return value is a text block.

Example: Get details regarding session number 0057



Fetch the list of sessions in a test suite.

The message lines of the return value will be a test session number separated from the test session's 'name' with a semicolon.

The list may be filtered in various ways - see the specific special options list below.


Fetch the status of a test session.

The message line of the return value will be a collection of semi-colon separated key / value pairs reporting the number of tests in the session, and the number of tests that have each result defined for the suite.

Example: Get the status for session 2

rpc.mpl?rpctoken=token&username=lake&suite=Example&command=geSessionStatus& \ sessnum=2


Fetch the list of test sets in a suite.

The message lines of the return value will report each test set in the suite, one per line.


Fetch a list of test suites accessible by a specific user.

The message lines of the return value will report each test suite in the system to which the user has at least 'run' level access.


Fetch the list of Test Cases associated with a session or set.

The message lines of the return value will a test case ID or UUID, one per line, for each test case included in the requested test session or set.

Example: Get the list from set 'performance' in UUID form

rpc.mpl?rpctoken=token&username=lake&suite=Example&command=getTestList& \ set=performance&byUUID=1


Return a list of all test cases in a Suite, represtend by their name. Each name will occupy a line, separated from the next by one newline (\n):




Return a list of all test cases in a Suite, represtend by their UUID. Each UUID will occupy a line, separated from the next by one newline (\n):




Query any available information for a specified test case by way of either the UUID or the name.

Example: Get all available information for test case 'foo', in suite 'Example'


Example: Get all available information for named test case 'bar'



Retrieve the result of a test based on a specified session and test case. The return value is a text string representing the result.

Example: Look up the result of test (UUID) 'foo' in session 'bar'


Example: The same result, but requested by name



Fetch the UUID associated with a test case.

The message line of the return value will be the UUID for the named test case, or empty of the test case was not found.

Example: Get the UUID for a test case using 'plain' naming with a name of 'test/more/foo'

rpc.mpl?rpctoken=token&username=lake&suite=Example&command=getTestUUID& \ name=test/more/foo


Set a result and/or notes and execution data for a test in a session.

If a result is specified, the entry will be classified as a "test execution"; if no result is specified, the entry will be classified as a "note".

Note that any existing values in execution data fields will be preserved when setting a result or note using this command, so you can use it to change the value of an execution data field without having to resubmit all the current execution data.

If a note or result is supplied, then the default time stamp for the result will be the time the result/note is submitted. You can override this via the execdata_when parameter - execdata_when takes seconds since the epoch.

If a note or result is supplied, then the default user to associate with it will be the value of the required username parameter. You can override this via the execdata_user parameter.

The message line of the return value will be an HTML fragment describing the note or result.

Example: Set the result of the first test case in the session to "retest":

rpc.mpl?rpctoken=token&username=lake&suite=Example&command=result& \ sess=00001&tid=0&result=retest

Example: Change the atm_prid field in the "ATM_Administration/Help_Screen" test case to "42":

rpc.mpl?rpctoken=token&username=lake&suite=Example&command=result& \ sess=00001&id=ATM_Administration.dir/Help_Screen.bts& \ EXECDATA_prid=42

Example: Add a note - "Fixed" - to the test case with UUID AC2CD7D2-955D-11D8-A214-90E5C9F5B464:

rpc.mpl?rpctoken=token&username=lake&suite=Example&command=result& \ sess=00001&uuid=AC2CD7D2-955D-11D8-A214-90E5C9F5B464&note=Fixed

It is also possible to add more than one result at a time. This is normally achieved through a web- or similar interface which save and communicate with rpc.mpl in a JSON format.

The general case looks as follows:

rpc.mpl?rpctoken=token&username=lake&suite=Example& \ sess=00001&command=result& \ result={"label":[ {"tid":"0","result":"foo"},{"tid":"1","result":"bar"}]}

If you wish to add two results:

rpc.mpl?rpctoken=token&username=lake&suite=Example& \ sess=00001&command=result& \ result={"tid_1":[ {"tid":"0","result":"foo"},{"tid":"1","result":"bar"}]}

The above code sample will add the result 'foo' to tid 0, and 'bar' to tid 1. Other fields can be set in the same way:

rpc.mpl?rpctoken=token&username=lake&suite=Example&command=result& \ sess=00001& \ result={ "label": [{"id":"ATM_Administration.dir/Help_Screen.bts", \ "EXECDATA_prid":"42", \ "EXECDATA_foo":"bar", \ "EXECDATA_assignedto":"user"} ] }


Common arguments

The following arguments are common to all requests, and are mandatory.


The authentication token for RPC tools, as set in the System Configuration (described above).


The ApTest Manager username of the user in whose name the command will be executed. The user must have at least run access to the suite in question.


The suite to operate on.


The command to execute. Each command has specific additional arguments. Available commands with additional arguments are listed below:

Additional arguments: attachFile

file (required)

The name of the file to attach. The contents of the file must also be included in a separate part using multipart/form-data encoding.

sess (required)

The session number to operate on.

tid or id or uuid (one required)

The test case index in the session (zero-indexed - first test is 0, second is 1, etc.).


The ID of the test case (the path to the test case in the file system, e.g. "Example.dir/Test_case.bts").

uuid (recommended)

The UUID of the test case. This uniquely identifies the test case within the suite, and so is a reliable identifier which will not be affected by renaming the test case or reordering the session.

The UUID of a test case is one of the parameters that may be passed to a bug-tracking system in the bug-tracking system integration link.

note (optional)

A note to associate with the file - the link to the file will be placed at the end of the note text.

Additional arguments: createGroup

name (required)

The name of the set group to create.

desc (optional)

Set group description

setGroup (optional)

The name of the group to create the new group in. Defaults to the root set group.

Additional arguments: createSet

set (required)

The name of the set to create

setGroup (optional)

The name of the set group to create the set in. Defaults to the root set group.

desc (optional)

The description to add to the set.

startdateplanned, enddateplanned (optional)

Default planned start and end dates for sessions created from the set.

Value is in "seconds since the epoch".

startdatewindow, enddatewindow (optional)

Default start and end date "on time" windows for sessions created from the set.

Valid values are 14400, 28800, 57600, 86400, 172800, 259200, and 604800 (4, 8, 16, and 24 hours, and 2, 3, and 7 days respectively).

SCHEMA_* (optional)

Test case field selectors. Values are formatted as they would be when submitted from the HTML form at run/defineSet.mpl

REQ_* (optional)

Requirement field selectors. Values are formatted as they would be when submitted from the HTML form at run/defineSet.mpl

VAR_* (optional)

Default session variables for sessions created from this set. Values are formatted as they would be when submitted from the HTML form at run/defineSet.mpl

Additional arguments: createSession

set (optional)

The name of the set in which to create the session.

name (optional)

A name to give the session.

desc (optional)

A description for the session.

startdateplanned, enddateplanned (optional)

Planned start and end dates for the session.

Value is in "seconds since the epoch".

startdatewindow, enddatewindow (optional)

Start and end date "on time" windows for the session.

Valid values are 14400, 28800, 57600, 86400, 172800, 259200, and 604800 (4, 8, 16, and 24 hours, and 2, 3, and 7 days respectively).

testnames (optional)

A comma separated list of test case names to use when creating the session.

testUUIDs (optional)

A comman separated list of test case UUIDs to use when creating the sessiom.

VAR_* (optional)

Session variables for the session. Values are formatted as they would be when submitted from the HTML form at run/defineSet.mpl

Additional arguments: getReqUUID

name (required)

The name of the requirement. If the suite's requirements are in auto-outline mode, then this is the outline number. Otherwise it is the name of the requirement, including the path (e.g. top/sub/requirement_name).

Additional arguments: getSessionList

date (optional)

A filter to indicate either that there is a date range ("range") or a number of seconds before now to filter on. Only sessions that have been modified within the number of seconds specified or within the range will be reported.

startDate (optional)

Used in conjunction with a date of "range". The number of seconds since the epoch that is the start of the range to check. If omitted, defaults to the start of the epoch.

endDate (optional)

Used in conjunction with a date of "range". The number of seconds since the epoch that is the end of the range to check. If omitted, defaults to now.

locked (optional)

A filter to only report sessions with a certain lock status. "locked" will report only locked sessions. "unlocked" will report only unlocked sessions.

run (optional)

A filter to select which sort of sessions to return: "run" - the session is complete, "needit" - incomplete or unstarted, "some" - already started and possibly complete, "partial" - partially run only, or "notrun" - never started.

sets (optional)

zero or more test set names - only sessions in these set(s) will be reported. Additional sets are specified with multiple sets arguments.

VAR_* (optional)

Any session variable can filtered on using the values defined for those session variables.

Additional arguments: getSessionStatus

sessnum (required)

The number of the test session on which to report.

Additional arguments: getSetList

children (optional)

Set to 1 if you want the sets in the group and all child groups.

group (optional)

Only sets within the specified set group will be reported. If no group option is specified, then all sets are reported.

Additional arguments: getTestCaseDetails

name | uuid (required)

The name of the test case or its UUID.

field (optional)

A specific field from the test case to fetch.

Additional arguments: getTestList

sessnum | set (required)

The session number or the complete set name (including folders) to list.

byUUID (optional)

A boolean. If true, return the list of test case UUIDs. If false, return the list of test case IDs. Defaults to false.

Additional arguments: getTestUUID

name (required)

The name of the test case. If the suite's test cases are in auto-outline mode, then this is the outline number. Otherwise it is the name of the test case, including the path (e.g. top/sub/test_name).

Additional arguments: result

sess (required)

The session number to operate on.

tid or id or uuid (one required)

The test case index in the session (zero-indexed - first test is 0, second is 1, etc.).


The ID of the test case (the path to the test case in the file system, e.g. "Example.dir/Test_case.bts").

uuid (recommended)

The UUID of the test case. This uniquely identifies the test case within the suite, and so is a reliable identifier which will not be affected by renaming the test case or reordering the session.

The UUID of a test case is one of the parameters that may be passed to a bug-tracking system in the bug-tracking system integration link.

note (optional)

A note to apply. Defaults to an empty string.

result (optional)

A result to set. If omitted, the change will be marked as a "note" rather than a test execution.

EXECDATA_* (optional)

Execution data field values, formatted as if submitted from a web form.

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